Monthly Archives: November 2012

The Former Legacy: Silvana

While Lynk is my main on the Republic side, Silvana is my main on the Imperial side of the line. She also has the best storyline out of all of my toons in the game.

I’m going digital, completely digital… with Wii U

I have no idea why I have decided to do this, but I’m taking a huge risk by going completely 100% digital-only on Wii U, no discs at all. Will I end up regretting it? We’ll see…

The Former Legacy: Lynk Former

Since my name originates from a Star Wars character I created when I was young, it seems only natural to use it for my main toon in Star Wars: The Old Republic.

Just sat down and actually listened to the #Metroid: Other M soundtrack… TERRIBLE! Now the Metroid Prime soundtrack? Kenji Yamamoto rocks!