Monthly Archives: December 2014

Sliding around Skyhold in Dragon Age: Inquisition

I don’t know about the rest of you, but this is the proper way an Inquisitor should get around. Also, I totally forgot that Sony added an upload option for YouTube on the PS4.

“I’m the boss of this city you ugly son of a bitch!”

— Bruno Borgia

Game Spotlight: Destiny

Destiny is Destiny, but is there enough Destiny in Destiny to satisfy us? The simple answer is no, but despite all its shortcomings, there’s something strangely fun about Destiny.

In Silent Hill, playable teasers play you!

I was very lucky to have not looked too far into this “PT” game on PSN when I found out about it a day after it was released on PSN, because it’s more fun finding out on your own.

I’m going to take your life

We’re coming to the close of another year and we may as well talk about it now than later since I have time. Also, there’s been a small but awesome design change for the site.

Wesfarmers doesn’t want people to buy GTA V…

…and I suddenly have the urge not to buy anything from any business owned by Wesfarmers. Here we are again, GTA is being targeted yet again for some bullshit… *shrugs*